DCCU Routing # 251483311


For our Senior Citizens age 55 and over who have a Direct Deposit of their primary source of income (Pension, Social Security, etc.), we offer FREE Printed Checks and Cashiers Checks.


Consumer Account Fees

Overdraft Privilege$25/Item
Stop Payment$20/Request
Cashiers Checks$1/Check after 3 checks per month free
Check PrintingPrices vary depending on style
Overdraft Transfer$5/Transfer
ATM Network Foreign ATM withdrawal inquiry*$0.50
Debit/PIN TransactionFREE
Inactivity$5 per month if an account has no member financial activity in the preceding 12 months and the balance is $100 or less across all subshares.


*Transaction fee waived if eStatements utilized.

Business Account Fees

Overdraft Transfer$5/Transfer
Stop Payment$20/Request
Statement Copy$1/Statement
Cashiers Checks$1/Check
Check PrintingPrices vary depending on style
Incoming Wire$5
Outgoing WireDomestic: $25/Transfer
International: $40/Transfer
Wire Trace Request or Return$35
ACH ProcessingAdditional qualification criteria and/or credit approval required.$30/ month
ACH Returns $5.00
ACH File Reversal $5.00
Money Service Business (MSB)Monthly Service Charge: $150
Currency Supplied Fee: .05%Percentage of total cash withdrawn and will be collected at time of the transaction
Inactivity$5 per month if an account has no member financial activity in the preceding 12 months and the balance is $100 or less across all subshares.
Business Online Banking AccessFree

Safe Deposit Box

Box RentalRange from $12-$75/Year Depending on size
Key Replacement$6.50/Key
Box Drilling$85.13 - $117.92


Bill Payer

Bill Payer ServiceFree with eStatements $6/month without eStatements
Stop Payment for Bill Payer Check$20/Check
Check Copy for Bill Payer Check$20/Check


Wire Transfer Fees

An additional charge, up to $10 may apply if member-supplied information is incorrect.

Domestic Outgoing*$25/Transfer
$15/Transfer via online banking
International Outgoing**$40/Transfer
Incoming WireFREE
Wire Trace Request or Return$25


*An additional charge, up to $10, may apply if member-supplied information is incorrect. 
**European Wire surcharges may apply and vary by institution receiving wire.

Health Savings Account Fees

Minimum Balance of $5

Opening Fee$25
Annual Fee with eStatements$25
Annual Fee without eStatements$35



Excessive Debit Card or PIN Replacement$5/Request
Account Reconciliation$10/Hour
Notary Public and Signature GuaranteeFREE
Personal Check Copy$2/Check
Personal Copy$0.10/Page
Personal Fax$1/Page
Statement Copy$1/Statement