DCCU Routing # 251483311
DCCU Routing # 251483311
How can DCCU help you today?
Member Investment Services
Member Investment Services (MIS) is here to help with your investment needs. Our team of financial advisors can offer you professional guidance and objective advice about a variety of topics from retirement planning, investment products, estate planning, and more. Our team of experts is ready to help you build and achieve your financial goals.
Investing 101
If your mind is boggled by investment terminology, we’re here to help! With this handy glossary of investment terms, you’ll be better prepared to plan for your future.
401(k) | A retirement savings plan sponsored by an employer. It allows a worker to save for retirement with tax benefits.
Annuity | A financial product sold by financial institutions that is designed to accept and grow funds from an individual and then, upon annuitization, pay out a stream to individuals at a later point in time. Annuities are long-term investment vehicles for individuals during their retirement years.
Asset Allocation | The diversification of investments among several asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and short-term investments. Proper asset allocation may limit risk and provide potential growth opportunities. Asset Allocation does not ensure a profit or protect against loss.
Estate Planning | The managing of a person’s assets that will protect their heirs in the event of death or incapacitation.
Retirement Planning | The act of determining how much money is needed for life after paid work ends and the decision on how to get there.
Roth IRA (Individual Retirement Account) | A Roth IRA allows qualified withdrawals on a tax-free basis provided that certain conditions are satisfied. They are similar to traditional IRAs, with the main differences being how the two are taxed. Roth IRAs are funded with after-tax dollars, meaning the funds are tax-free once an individual begins collecting them.
Traditional IRA (Individual Retirement Account) | Individual retirement account that allows individuals to direct pre-tax income, up to specific annual limits, towards investments that can grow tax-deferred. IRAs are an investing tool used by individuals to earn money for retirement. Generally, amounts in your traditional IRA (including earnings and gains) are not taxed until distribution.
Member Investment Services
Member Investment Services (MIS) is here to help you with your financial planning and investment needs. We seek to understand your current financial situation and help you to pursue your long-term goals. We speak in language that you will understand, while providing objective financial advice in an honest and authentic manner.
MIS will offer professional guidance and objective advice in the following topics: retirement planning, estate planning, college planning, risk management, tax-advantage investing, 401(k) advising, portfolio rebalancing, health insurance evaluation, and more.
We prefer to meet by appointment in order to provide the best possible service.
To schedule a no-obligation appointment with one of our representatives, email MISdccu@LPL.com or call 540.946.3200.
Welcome to
We all envision what our perfect retirement will look like. Sometimes, though, it seems like everyday life gets in the way of planning for the perfect retirement. Although it may be hard to believe at times, everyday life is the raw material from which are given the opportunity to create building blocks for a better future.
Whether you’re just starting your career, or already in retirement, the decisions you make today will help to shape your future. Below you’ll find key topics you should consider at various life stages to help ensure a successful retirement.
Informed planning is one of the cornerstones of an effective retirement strategy. Our retirement planners offer a wide variety of planning tools covering numerous aspect of retirement planning, from selecting the best type of IRA to designing a retirement income strategy that best fits your personal objectives.
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)
Your retirement shouldn’t be left to chance. DCCU’s Individuals Retirement Account (IRA) options can get you where you want to be with solid growth. Your annual contributions are based on federal regulations, which can change. Consult your tax advisor to determine which IRA is best for you.
IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account, and is a sort of account used to help save for retirement.
Yes – IRA funds are insured to $250,000 separately from other DCCU savings accounts.